-- card: 10169 from stack: in.11 -- bmap block id: 0 -- flags: 4000 -- background id: 9967 -- name: auth -- part 1 (button) -- low flags: 00 -- high flags: A003 -- rect: left=362 top=30 right=48 bottom=407 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 1 -- font id: 0 -- text size: 12 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 16 -- part name: Print ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp doMenu "Print Card" end mouseUp -- part contents for background part 1 ----- text ----- A Message From the Authors -- part contents for background part 6 ----- text ----- Many world leaders today are saying global warming will be the most important issue facing mankind in this last decade of the 20th century. We agree. In the 'Save the Planet' program, we have brought together in one convenient package, the facts and resources concerned world citizens need to understand and solve the greenhouse/ozone problems. 'Save the Planet' is an integrated program, with 5 major parts: 1. The Tutorial sections help you, your family and friends quickly understand the problems created by greenhouse gases and ozone depletion. 2. The Action sections provide you with a comprehensive set of resources, allowing you to take direct, personal action. 3. The Bibliography and Recommended Reading sections provide references for in-depth studies of the issues. 4. 'Write to Washington' is a handy built-in data base for those letters to your elected officials in Washington. Their names and addresses are included and automatically appear along with your return address, date, and salutation. You save valuable time by writing only the body of your letter. 5. 'Global Roulette' is a simulation-based game where you experiment with scenarios involving the degree of global warming and the ability of society to deal with the problem. 'Save the Planet' is a shareware product. If you are new to the shareware concept, this means that, while the program is copyrighted, and we, the authors retain rights to it, you are free to make copies of this program to give to your friends at your school, club, or workplace. Exchanging environmental information on computer disks via shareware is ecologically sound. A single floppy disk holds as much information as a 120 page book, costs less than a dollar to copy, saves trees for the important job of removing CO2, and can be instantly 'recycled' for other uses and data by anyone who has a computer. If you or your friends make use of 'Save the Planet', PLEASE REGISTER YOUR COPY with us and we will send you the next TWO major updates, expanded and revised, scheduled for release in early 1992, and in 1993 (after the 1992 elections). [Starting with the 1992 update, we will be producing the STP stack using the new version 2.0 of HyperCard, so plan on upgrading your HyperCard software during 1991.] Compiling information on climate change, developing programs, and distributing software is expensive. We need your financial support to continue this important work. Please help us by sending your registration fee today! A portion of all registration fees is used to support rainforest protection efforts. Environmental shareware permits concerned people to act now, at a local, grass-roots level. The real solutions to global warming are going to come from ordinary people like ourselves as we make lifestyle changes, save energy, recycle, plant trees, and build a strong consensus to force stronger environmental policies at the local, state, national, and world government levels. We want to thank all of you who registered during 1990, STP's first year. Much has happened since our first PC release in March 1990. We have now released a Macintosh version, and the new 1991 versions are larger, better, and have more features. We work closely with many environmental groups, distributing STP's vital information in exciting new ways, and are looking for a suitable commercial publisher in the retail market. As debates on the greenhouse effect continue this year, you will undoubtedly hear the many 'experts' come up with arguments as to why we should wait, and not act today to begin to solve this huge problem. We ask you to study the data in this program, gather information from other sources, keep track of the ozone hole situation, think about the weather changes where you live, and then do what you feel is right. Good luck! January 1991 Roger & Kathy Cox --- P.S. Our legal department requested we add the following disclaimer: The information contained in this program is intended for educational use. By providing it, the authors are not rendering technical, legal, or financial advice. We believe the information to be accurate, but cannot make any guarantees or assume any responsibility for its use. If you find obvious errors or bugs in this program, please write us - we would like to know about them, so we can improve future versions. ***